Friday, October 2, 2009

Living the Fair Trade Life - KVI Fun Fridays

By Marita Greenidge

Okay, so you haven't heard from us in a few weeks. Life has been pretty busy! I've been relocating from Rochester to Barbados and Rebecca and Glenn have been busy running KVI.

But to make up for our absence, we're offering you a chance to have a bit of fun with us every Friday! Perhaps you'll also win a prize! Because we will be giving away KVI goodies every week! We're calling these KVI Fun Fridays and everything will be focused on living the fair trade life.

This week we're asking you to give us a fun, witty caption for the picture above. It's from a photoshoot we did in May, where we decided to hang some bags in a tree like fruit.

The person with the best caption gets a FREE KVI pen and 20% discount on any KVI product of his/her choice.

To show us your wit, all you have to do is leave your caption as a comment. On Saturday we'll tell you who we thought had the wittiest caption.

Hey, it's Friday! Let's have some fun fair trade style!

*disclaimer: for retail purchases only


1 comment:

  1. Jesus said, "No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. Each tree is recognized by its own fruit..." I'd say that this tree definitely has good (and stylish!) fruit!!!
