Friday, October 30, 2009

Bigger prizes for Fun Fridays!!

By Marita Greenidge

Hi readers!

We're upping the ante with regard to our Fun Friday prize! You still have several hours to go before this week's competition is over!

If you can give us a cool caption and tell us the number of products in the picture in the previous post, you'll get a KVI pen, a 20% discount coupon valid for one KVI product and 2 FREE mousepads! (see below for picture)

All you have to do is leave your response in the comments section of the previous post. On Saturday we'll announce the winner and we'll repost the picture with your caption.

We know you guys are creative; show us! :-)

*disclaimer: This competition is for retail customers only. Because we want to give EVERYONE a chance to win, you can only win once each month. But don't quit entering! We love to see everyone's creativity. Also we can only send the pen to US addresses but fear not we can send the coupon anywhere in the world so there's still something for our international readers!


Friday, October 23, 2009

Living the Fair Trade Life - KVI Fun Fridays

By Marita Greenidge


It's that time again! Yup, you guessed it, "It's Fun Friday Time!!"

We're asking you to leave a fun, witty caption for the above photo. And, we'd also like you to tell us how many KVI products are in this picture.

The best caption with the correct number of products wins!!! Your prize is a FREE KVI pen and 20% discount on any 1 KVI product of your choice. (The holiday season is coming up so why not give a gift that gives two smiles - one to one of our suppliers so they are that much further away from falling victim to human trafficking and one to the great person you gave the gift to.)

To enter leave your response in the comments section of this post. On Saturday we'll announce the winner and we'll repost the picture with your caption.

Have a fabulous Friday!!

*disclaimer: This competition is for retail customers only. Because we want to give EVERYONE a chance to win, you can only win once each month. But don't quit entering! We love to see everyone's creativity. Also we can only send the pen to US addresses but fear not we can send the coupon anywhere in the world so there's still something for our international readers!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Living the Fair Trade Life - Fun Friday Captions!

By Marita Greenidge

Unfortunately we didn't have a winner for the this week's competition because no one correctly guessed how many KVI products I was wearing.

The answer was 5 - 1 pair of earrings, 2 bracelets, a necklace and a bag. I would have accepted 4 because the second bracelet was very difficult to see!

However, Amanda Biesel still gave us a fabulous caption so we wanted to share! Thanks again Amanda!


Friday, October 9, 2009

Living the Fair Trade Life - KVI Fun Fridays

By Marita Greenidge


It's Friday again and you know what that means, "It's Fun Friday Time!!" "Yay!"

Today we're going to give you another picture we'd like you to leave a fun, witty caption for. However, along with the caption, we'd also like you to tell us how many KVI products I'm wearing in this picture. (You have to look very closely!)

The best caption with the correct number of products wins!!! Fun and simple! (Is there any other way Fridays should be?) Your prize is a FREE KVI pen and 20% discount on any 1 KVI product of your choice. (Remember the holiday season is coming up!)

To enter leave your response in the comments section of this post. On Saturday we'll announce the winner.

We can't wait to see what you guys come up with! Let's have some fun today!

*disclaimer: This competition is for retail customers only. Because we want to give EVERYONE a chance to win, you can only win once each month. But don't quit entering! We love to see everyone's creativity. Also we can only send the pen to US addresses but fear not we can send the coupon anywhere in the world so there's still something for our international readers!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Update from the Global Forum on Human Trafficking

Beijing is a city of around 12 million people. Imagine all of them held as slaves. That's the LOW estimate of the number of slaves being held worldwide. The HIGH-END estimate is 27 million. That's larger than any city in the world except Tokyo!

Today and tomorrow almost 800 people are gathered in Carlsbad, CA for the first ever Global Forum on Human Trafficking. We're not hearing a lot about the magnitude of the problem - most everyone here is well acquainted with it. Nor are we hearing a lot about the scope of trafficking - most of us are aware that it's not confined to "over there"; it's "here" as well.
What we ARE hearing about is progress that IS being made and steps that ARE (and CAN) be taken towards finally ending slavery for good.
More to come... Glenn

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Congrats to Amanda!!!

By Marita Greenidge

CONGRATS Amanda Beisel!!! You are the winner of our first KVI Fun Fridays competition. Your caption was AWESOME! I think you may have scared the competition away!

Amanda said...

Jesus said, "No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. Each tree is recognized by its own fruit..." I'd say that this tree definitely has good (and stylish!) fruit!!!


Please contact us at so we can send your prize!! Have an amazing week Amanda and thank you for your support!

To see the picture that Amanda gave us such a wonderful caption for click here.

Also check out Amanda's great blog here!


Friday, October 2, 2009

Living the Fair Trade Life - KVI Fun Fridays

By Marita Greenidge

Okay, so you haven't heard from us in a few weeks. Life has been pretty busy! I've been relocating from Rochester to Barbados and Rebecca and Glenn have been busy running KVI.

But to make up for our absence, we're offering you a chance to have a bit of fun with us every Friday! Perhaps you'll also win a prize! Because we will be giving away KVI goodies every week! We're calling these KVI Fun Fridays and everything will be focused on living the fair trade life.

This week we're asking you to give us a fun, witty caption for the picture above. It's from a photoshoot we did in May, where we decided to hang some bags in a tree like fruit.

The person with the best caption gets a FREE KVI pen and 20% discount on any KVI product of his/her choice.

To show us your wit, all you have to do is leave your caption as a comment. On Saturday we'll tell you who we thought had the wittiest caption.

Hey, it's Friday! Let's have some fun fair trade style!

*disclaimer: for retail purchases only
